Overview of smart home remotes


Logitech has had universal remotes before the smart home was as much a topic as it is now. The firm has several versions in its portfolio such as the Harmony Elite or the Harmony Companion.

Harmony Pro (Source)

Also, similarly to the flic (see below) Logitech has a square-cut remote-button in its portfolio. It is called the Pop which can, for example, toggle the lights in your smart home by pressing the button.

The Logitech Pop (Source)


Neeo, a Swiss company founded in 2014, offers a remote controlled “Remote”. The remote itself and the “NEEO Brain” (the hub that connects all your smart home devices so that you can control them via the remote) cost $399. It was was founded through a Kickstarter was supposed to ship in the first half of 2015. However, shipping has not yet started.

The NEEO Remote (Source)


The Savant remote costs $499 and comes, same as the NEEO, with a hub. In contrast to NEEO it is already available, but only ships to the U.S.

The Savant remote and host (Source)


The sevenhugs remote is a touch-screen only remote. What makes it unique is its position-based functionality. Instead of choosing which device you want to control you point at it with the remote. It is currently offered at a “Super Early Bird offer” for $149 instead of $299.99.

The sevenhugs remote in action (Source)


The company offers two products: The regular flic which you can configure via an app to carry out different actions for different devices or apps on your phone. For example, you can toggle a Philips HUE system or start a stop watch on your phone. The other product is called FlicSingle and comes in five different variants. Each of them is dedicated to one functionality. The FlicLights, for instance, can solely be used to operate smart light bulbs.


Amazon Dash

The Amazon Dash is a product very similar to flic, especially to the FlicSingle. Not only is it tailored to one application (shopping) it is tailored to only one product. One “Dash” can be set up to automatically order a pre-configured product from Amazon. They cost $4.99 each, however, the price will be refunded to you once after your first purchase with it.

The Amazon Dash on a washing machine set up to order detergent Source


The German company currently has one product in its offerings. The Nuimo, an ice hockey puck-sized device, allows you to control smart home products with touch and other hand gestures such as swipping. It costs €199 and comes in two colors, black and white.

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